$TITLE "Country Standard Household Member File" 00001000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00002000 * * *00003000 * III SSSSSSIII Research Centre * *00004000 * III SSSSSSIII * Peru *00005000 * III SS III Director Denise Lievesley * Fertility survey *00006000 * III SS III 428 Princes Beatrixlaan * *00007000 * III SSSSS III P.O Box 950 * *00008000 * III SSSSS III 2270 AZ Voorburg * *00009000 * III SS III Netherlands * *00010000 * III SS III Tel (070) 369 43 41 * Dictionary for *00011000 * IIISSSSSS III Cable statist Voorburg * Household Member *00012000 * IIISSSSSS III Telex 32260 isi nl * file *00013000 * * *00014000 ************************************************************************00015000 * *00016000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00017000 ( Country code : PE *00018000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00019000 ( Type of data : HM *00020000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00021000 ( Version of data : 02 *00022000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00023000 * File : Dict *00024000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00025000 ( Version of dictionary : 1.2.2 *00026000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00027000 ( Date created : 16.10.1990 *00028000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00029000 ( Date last amended : 29.10.1990 *00030000 ( : 20.07.2020 (TC) *00030100 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00031000 ( Descriptive document : ISIRC Tech *00032000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00033000 * Master dictionary : 08 (21 October 1985/NO) *00034000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00035000 * *00036000 * *00037000 * The standard h/h member file was created from the edited h/h *00038000 * data. Some inconsistencies found in the data were corrected. *00039000 * *00040000 * *00041000 * Bibliographic citation *00042000 * ---------------------- *00043000 * *00044000 * Any published report or paper using data from this file should *00045000 * include the following citation among its references: *00046000 * *00047000 * Instituto Nacional de Estadistica,Lima. Peru Fertility Survey *00048000 * 1977-1978 Standard Household Member File, version 2 *00049000 * *00050000 * The Hague: International Statistical Institute Research Centre *00051000 * [producer and distributor] *00052000 * *00053000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00054000 $PAGE 00055000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00056000 * *00057000 * This document contains six types of record. They are distinguished *00058000 * by the character printed in position 1: *00059000 * *00060000 * alphabetic character (A-Z) - a variable definition record. *00061000 * blank - a value definition record. *00062000 * left parenthesis ("(") - a record that documents the basic *00063000 * provenance of the dictionary. *00064000 * percent symbol ("%") - indicates one of three kinds *00065000 * of record, "%FILE", "%CASE" and *00066000 * "%TABLE", described below. *00067000 * greater than symbol (">") - used in conjunction with "%TABLE". *00068000 * dollar sign ("$") - a title or page-control direction. *00069000 * asterisk ("*") - a comment. *00070000 * *00071000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00072000 * *00073000 * Positions 73-80 of all dictionary entries are reserved for a sequ- *00074000 * ence number. *00075000 * *00076000 * All values are coded right justified in their field, while names *00077000 * and labels are coded left justified. *00078000 * *00079000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00080000 * *00081000 * Abbreviations used for intervals: *00082000 * *00083000 * FBI first birth interval *00084000 * FPI first pregnancy interval *00085000 * LCBI last closed birth interval *00086000 * LCPI last closed pregnancy interval *00087000 * OBI open birth interval *00088000 * OPI open pregnancy interval *00089000 * *00090000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00091000 * *00092000 * Dates: *00093000 * *00094000 * All dates in the file are represented by century month codes (cmc). *00095000 * The century month code is defined as the number of months since *00096000 * December 1899 and is calculated as follows: *00097000 * cmc = 12*year + month *00098000 * You can convert from cmc to normal calendar dates like this: *00099000 * year = (cmc - 1)/12 *00100000 * month = cmc - 12*year *00101000 * To compute the length of time in months between any two events *00102000 * subtract the cmc of the first event from the cmc of the second *00103000 * event. *00104000 * *00105000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00106000 $PAGE 00107000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00108000 * *00109000 * Variable Definition Records: *00110000 * *00111000 * Variable definition records are used to provide names and labels *00112000 * for variables, to define their location in the file, and to state *00113000 * their range and special codes. The format of a variable definition *00114000 * record is: *00115000 * *00116000 * Position Contents Remarks *00117000 * *00118000 * 1-6 Variable name Identifies the variable; up to six *00119000 * characters, the first being a letter. *00120000 * *00121000 * 8-9 Record type If more than one record type is present.*00122000 * This corresponds to a record type which *00123000 * is defined in a %REC entry. *00124000 * *00125000 * 10-13 Starting location Position where variable starts. *00126000 * *00127000 * 15-16 Length Number of positions occupied by the *00128000 * variable. *00129000 * *00130000 * 17-20 Minimum Lowest value of variable. *00131000 * *00132000 * 21-24 Maximum Highest value of variable other than *00133000 * "not applicable" or special codes. *00134000 * *00135000 * 26-29 Not applicable Code used for "not applicable",if any; *00136000 * otherwise left blank. "#" indicates that*00137000 * blanks in the data mean "not applicable"*00138000 * *00139000 * 31-34 Special code This indicates a value requiring *00140000 * special treatment in analysis. As a *00141000 * variable may have more than one spec- *00142000 * ial code, only the lowest value of *00143000 * these is shown here. Others will be *00144000 * indicated as value definition records *00145000 * only. Usually this code is used for *00146000 * "not stated", if any. *00147000 * *00148000 * 36-65 Variable label Describes the variable more fully than *00149000 * the name; up to 30 characters. *00150000 * *00151000 * 67-72 Value label If the codes for this variable have *00152000 * backreference the same labels as some previously def- *00153000 * ined variable,the name of the previous *00154000 * variable is given here. *00155000 * *00156000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00157000 $PAGE 00158000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00159000 * *00160000 * Value Definition Records: *00161000 * *00162000 * Value definition records follow a variable definition record and *00163000 * are used to provide labels describing the meaning of the codes of *00164000 * the variable. If used in conjunction with a value label reference *00165000 * (in the variable definition record) they can be used to add new *00166000 * codes or to redefine the labels of old codes. The format of a *00167000 * value definition record is: *00168000 * *00169000 * Position Contents Remarks *00170000 * *00171000 * 36-39 Value The code being defined. *00172000 * *00173000 * 44-63 Label Up to 20 characters, left justified. *00174000 * *00175000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00176000 $PAGE 00177000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00178000 * *00179000 * %FILE record: *00180000 * *00181000 * There is only one "%FILE" record in a dictionary, preceding the *00182000 * variable definition records. It contains basic information about *00183000 * the data file. The format of a %FILE record is: *00184000 * *00185000 * Position Contents Remarks *00186000 * *00187000 * 1-5 %FILE *00188000 * *00189000 * 9-10 Country code Identifies the country. *00190000 * *00191000 * 19-20 Data type Type of data described. *00192000 * *00193000 * 29-30 Version Version of data file . *00194000 * *00195000 * 37-40 Logical record length *00196000 * *00197000 * 43-50 Max no of recs Number of physical records ("cards") *00198000 * in the data file. *00199000 * *00200000 * 60 Data recording mode "A" = Ascii. *00201000 * *00202000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00203000 * *00204000 * %CASE records: *00205000 * *00206000 * A "%CASE" record describes the location and length of the case *00207000 * key and gives the number of cases. It can be used to describe *00208000 * multiple case keys. The format of a %CASE record is: *00209000 * *00210000 * Position Contents Remarks *00211000 * *00212000 * 1-5 %CASE *00213000 * *00214000 * 15 Sort order "A"=ascending, "D"=descending *00215000 * "U"=unsorted. *00216000 * *00217000 * 22-25 Location of case key.Starting position of 1st case key. *00218000 * *00219000 * 33-35 Length of case key *00220000 * *00221000 * 49-55 Max number of cases in data file *00222000 * *00223000 * Note: For standard recode files the number of cases in the %CASE *00224000 * record is the same as the number of physical records in the *00225000 * %FILE record. *00226000 * *00227000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00228000 $PAGE 00229000 * *00230000 * %TABLE records: *00231000 * *00232000 * These records allow a compact description of data items (one or *00233000 * more variables), which repeat in regular blocks, by indicating how *00234000 * the information is repeated. The %TABLE record is followed by *00235000 * records with ">" in position 1. These are variable and value *00236000 * definition records describing one set of entries in the table. The *00237000 * format of a %TABLE record is: *00238000 * *00239000 * Postion Contents Remarks *00240000 * *00241000 * 1-6 %TABLE *00242000 * *00243000 * 8-9 Formal name This is a name by which the table *00244000 * may be referenced (left justified). *00245000 * *00246000 * 26-30 Starting location The starting position in the data *00247000 * file of the 1st variable in the 1st *00248000 * set of the table. *00249000 * *00250000 * 38-40 Step size Number of positions between the *00251000 * start of each set. *00252000 * *00253000 * 64-65 Actual entries The maximum number of sets for that *00254000 * particular country. *00255000 * *00256000 * 69-70 Max. entries The number of sets for which there *00257000 * is space in the data file. *00258000 * *00259000 * ">" records: *00260000 * *00261000 * All definition records describing table variables have this char- *00262000 * acter in position 1. These records are of two kinds: *00263000 * *00264000 * Variable definition records. *00265000 * *00266000 * The format of a table variable definition record is: *00267000 * *00268000 * Position Contents Remarks *00269000 * *00270000 * 1 > Indicates that the information is *00271000 * part of a table. *00272000 * 2-5 Variable name Maximum 4 characters. *00273000 * *00274000 * 8-9 Table name The name given in position 8-9 of *00275000 * the preceding %TABLE record. *00276000 * *00277000 * 10-13 Location This gives the starting position of *00278000 * the variable within the table. *00279000 * *00280000 * 15-72 Label & backref. As for normal variable definition *00281000 * records. *00282000 * *00283000 * Value definition records. *00284000 * *00285000 * These are the same as normal value definition records apart from *00286000 * the character ">" in position 1. *00287000 $PAGE 00288000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00289000 * *00290000 * *00291000 * Logical Maximum *00292000 * Country Data record number *00293000 * code type Version length of recs *00294000 * ---- ---- ------- ------ ------- *00295000 %FILE PE HM 02 325 41301 *00296000 * *00297000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00298000 * *00299000 * Location Length Number *00300000 * Sort of of of *00301000 * order case key case key cases *00302000 * ----- -------- -------- ----- *00303000 %CASE A 13 6 41301 *00304000 * *00305000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00306000 * Identification information *00307000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00308000 I101 1 9 Dataset identification 00309000 * *00310000 * Always ISIPEHM02 *00311000 * *00312000 * *00313000 * *00314000 * *00315000 * Case identification should be created using other *00316000 * identification variables (I105-I107)) to be identical to *00317000 * SR identification.Variable used to create case ID *00318000 * should be changed to comment line. *00319000 * *00320000 I105 10 3 0 0 Dwelling number 00321000 I106 13 4 0 0 HH number 00322000 I107 17 2 0 0 Line number of member 00323000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00324000 * Sampling information *00325000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00326000 I202 19 2 1 9 Domain number 00327000 I203 21 488888888 Stratum number 00328000 I204 25 4 1 500 PSU number 00329000 I205 29 488888888 UAU number 00330000 I206 33 4 1 4 Sample weight <1000> 00331000 1 Domain 8 and 9 00332000 4 Domain 1 - 7 00333000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00334000 $PAGE 00335000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00336000 * Characteristics of the interview *00337000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00338000 I301 37 2 1 31 Day of interview 00339000 I302 39 2 1 12 Month of interview 00340000 I303 41 2 77 78 Year of interview 00341000 I304 43 1 1 9 Number of visits 00342000 I309 44 1 1 1 9 Final result 00343000 1 Interview completed 00344000 I311 45 2 0 95 99 Interviewer 00345000 I312 47 2 1 94 99 Supervisor 00346000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00347000 $PAGE 00348000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00349000 * Household member's demographic characteristics *00350000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00351000 M101 49 1 1 2 Sex 00352000 1 Male 00353000 2 Female 00354000 M102 50 2 0 95 99 Age in years 00355000 95 95+ 00356000 99 Not stated 00357000 M103 52 2 1 20 99 Age in 5 year group 00358000 1 0 - 4 00359000 2 5 - 9 00360000 3 10 - 14 00361000 4 15 - 19 00362000 5 20 - 24 00363000 6 25 - 29 00364000 7 30 - 34 00365000 8 35 - 39 00366000 9 40 - 44 00367000 10 45 - 49 00368000 11 50 - 54 00369000 12 55 - 59 00370000 13 60 - 64 00371000 14 65 - 69 00372000 15 70 - 74 00373000 16 75 - 79 00374000 17 80 - 84 00375000 18 85 - 89 00376000 19 90 - 94 00377000 20 95 + 00378000 99 Not stated 00379000 M106 54 1 1 2 Lives here usually 00380000 1 Yes 00381000 2 No 00382000 M107 55 1 1 2 Slept here last night 00383000 1 Yes 00384000 2 No 00385000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00386000 $PAGE 00387000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00388000 * Household member's socio-economic characteristics *00389000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00390000 M201 56 1 1 5 Region of residence 00391000 1 Metropolitan Lima 00392000 2 North 00393000 3 Centre 00394000 4 South 00395000 5 East 00396000 M203 57 1 1 2 Type of place of residence 00397000 1 Urban 00398000 2 Rural 00399000 M207 58 1 0 4 8 9 Education level 00400000 0 None 00401000 1 Primary 00402000 2 Secondary 00403000 3 Higher education 00404000 4 Other 00405000 8 NA, age < 6 00406000 9 Not stated 00407000 M209 59 1 0 7 8 9 Highest grade 00408000 7 7+ 00409000 8 Not applicable 00410000 9 Not stated 00411000 M213 60 1 1 2 8 9 Schooling 00412000 1 Yes 00413000 2 No 00414000 8 Not applicable < 6 00415000 9 Not stated 00416000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00417000 $PAGE 00418000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00419000 * Cumulative fertility for women aged 15-49 *00420000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00421000 M301 61 2 0 26 88 99 Children ever born 00422000 88 Not applicable 00423000 99 Not stated 00424000 M304 63 2 0 7 88 99 Sons living in household M301 00425000 M305 65 2 0 9 88 99 Sons living away M301 00426000 M306 67 2 0 14 88 99 Sons dead M301 00427000 M308 69 2 0 8 88 99 Daughters living in household M301 00428000 M309 71 2 0 8 88 99 Daughters living away M301 00429000 M310 73 2 0 11 88 99 Daughters dead M301 00430000 M313 75 2 1 12 88 99 Month of last live birth 00431000 M314 77 2 10 78 88 99 Year of last live birth 00432000 M318 79 1 1 6 8 9 Sex of last birth 00433000 1 Male 00434000 2 Female 00435000 4 Male twins 00436000 5 Female twins 00437000 6 Mixed twins 00438000 8 Not applicable 00439000 9 Not stated 00440000 M319 80 1 1 2 8 9 Last birth alive 00441000 1 Yes 00442000 2 No 00443000 8 Not applicable 00444000 9 Not stated 00445000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00446000 * Mortality *00447000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00448000 M401 81 1 1 2 9 Mother alive 00449000 1 Yes 00450000 2 No 00451000 9 Not stated 00452000 M404 82 1 1 2 Father alive M401 00453000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00454000 $PAGE 00455000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00456000 * Marriage information *00457000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00458000 M501 83 1 1 2 8 Ever married 00459000 1 Yes 00460000 2 No 00461000 8 Not applicable 00462000 M502 84 1 0 4 8 9 Current marital status 00463000 0 Never in union 00464000 1 In union 00465000 2 Widowed 00466000 3 Divorced 00467000 4 Separated 00468000 8 NA, age < 15 00469000 9 Not stated 00470000 M505 85 1 0 7 8 9 Couple code 00471000 0 Single 00472000 7 Partner not in HH 00473000 8 Not applicable 00474000 9 Not stated 00475000 M506 86 1 1 7 8 No of partner's 00476000 7 7+ 00477000 8 NA,partner not home 00478000 * 00479000 ** if couple-code is single,never-married,not applicable,not stated 00480000 * or partner not at home M506 was set to code '8' 00481000 * 00482000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00483000 * Marriage Table *00484000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00485000 * Table Start Step Entries *00486000 * name loc size Act Max *00487000 * ---- --- ---- --- --- *00488000 %TABLE MH 87 6 5 5 *00489000 * Only for first 5 partner *00490000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00491000 *Name Loc Ln Min Max NA Spec Variable label *00492000 *---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------------- *00493000 >M507 MH 1 2 1 96 88 Partner's line number 00494000 > 88 Not applicable 00495000 >M508 MH 3 1 1 2 8 Partner here last night 00496000 > 1 Yes 00497000 > 2 No 00498000 > 8 Not applicable 00499000 >M509 MH 4 1 1 2 8 9 Partner usually lives here M508 00500000 >M510 MH 5 2 15 95 98 99 Partner's age 00501000 > 95 95+ 00502000 > 98 Not applicable 00503000 > 99 Not stated 00504000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00505000 $PAGE 00506000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00507000 * Women children data *00508000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00509000 M701 117 2 0 13 88 Own children in HH 00510000 88 NA,Male or age < 15 00511000 M702 119 2 0 9 88 Own sons in HH M701 00512000 M703 121 2 0 8 88 Own daughters in HH M701 00513000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00514000 * Children information *00515000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00516000 * Table Start Step Entries *00517000 * name loc size Act Max *00518000 * ---- --- ---- --- --- *00519000 %TABLE CH 123 10 10 10 *00520000 * *00521000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00522000 *Name Loc Ln Min Max NA Spec Variable label *00523000 *---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------------- *00524000 >M704 CH 1 2 1 30 88 Child's line number 00525000 > 88 Not applicable 00526000 >M705 CH 3 1 1 2 8 Child's sex 00527000 > 1 Male 00528000 > 2 Female 00529000 > 8 Not applicable 00530000 >M706 CH 4 2 0 65 88 99 Child's age 00531000 > 87 87+ 00532000 > 88 Not applicable 00533000 > 99 Not stated 00534000 >M707 CH 6 1 1 2 8 Child lives here 00535000 > 1 Yes 00536000 > 2 No 00537000 > 8 Not applicable 00538000 >M708 CH 7 1 0 4 8 9 Child's educational level 00539000 > 0 None 00540000 > 1 Primary 00541000 > 2 Secondary 00542000 > 3 Higher education 00543000 > 4 Other 00544000 > 8 NA 00545000 > 9 Not stated 00546000 >M709 CH 8 1 0 7 8 9 Child's highest grade 00547000 > 7 7+ 00548000 > 8 Not applicable 00549000 > 9 Not stated 00550000 >M711 CH 9 1 1 2 8 9 Child's schooling 00551000 > 1 Yes 00552000 > 2 No 00553000 > 8 Not applicable 00554000 > 9 Not stated 00555000 >M712 CH 10 1 0 4 8 Current marital status M502 00556000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00557000 $PAGE 00558000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00559000 * Other relationships *00560000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00561000 M801 223 1 1 8 9 Generation 00562000 1 Grandparent's 00563000 2 Parent's 00564000 3 Head of household's 00565000 4 Child's 00566000 5 Grandchild's 00567000 6 Great gd children 00568000 7 Not related 00569000 8 Employee, domestic 00570000 9 Not stated 00571000 M802 224 1 0 7 9 Relationship to head 00572000 0 Head 00573000 1 Spouse 00574000 2 Children 00575000 3 Parents 00576000 4 Brothers, sisters 00577000 5 Grandchildren 00578000 6 Other 00579000 7 Not related,dom,empl 00580000 9 Not stated 00581000 M804 225 2 1 26 88 99 Mother's line 00582000 88 No mother in hh 00583000 99 Not stated 00584000 M805 227 1 0 4 8 9 Mother's current marr status M502 00585000 8 Not applicable 00586000 M806 228 1 1 2 8 Mother usually lives here 00587000 1 Yes 00588000 2 No 00589000 8 Not applicable 00590000 M807 229 2 1 15 88 99 Mother-in-law's line no M804 00591000 M808 231 1 0 4 8 9 Mother-in-law curr. marr. M502 00592000 8 Not applicable 00593000 M809 232 1 1 2 8 Mother-in-law lives here M806 00594000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00595000 $PAGE 00596000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00597000 * Respondent *00598000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00599000 M901 233 2 1 19 88 99 M-300 inf. resp. line no 00600000 88 Not applicable 00601000 99 Not stated 00602000 M903 235 1 0 1 Eligibility code 00603000 0 No 00604000 1 Yes 00605000 M904 236 1 1 2 8 Selected 00606000 1 Yes 00607000 2 No 00608000 8 Not applicable 00609000 M905 237 1 1 2 8 Selected matched with SR M904 00610000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00611000 $PAGE 00612000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00613000 * Household structure *00614000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00615000 H101 238 2 1 30 Total HH members 00616000 H102 240 2 0 21 HH members 00617000 H103 242 2 0 30 HH members 00618000 H104 244 2 0 15 Total male 00619000 H105 246 2 0 14 Males in household 00620000 H106 248 2 0 15 Males in household 00621000 H107 250 2 0 15 Total female 00622000 H108 252 2 0 11 Females in househld 00623000 H109 254 2 0 15 Females in Househld 00624000 H110 256 2 0 4 Eligible women in hh 00625000 H111 258 2 0 4 Selected women in hh 00626000 H112 260 2 0 5 Males 0 - 4 00627000 H113 262 2 0 5 Males 5 - 9 00628000 H114 264 2 0 4 Males 10 - 14 00629000 H115 266 2 0 9 Males 15 - 59 00630000 H116 268 2 0 2 Males 60 - 64 00631000 H117 270 2 0 2 Males 65 + 00632000 H118 272 2 0 4 Females 0 - 4 00633000 H119 274 2 0 5 Females 5 - 9 00634000 H120 276 2 0 4 Females 10 - 14 00635000 H121 278 2 0 7 Females 15 - 59 00636000 H122 280 2 0 2 Females 60 - 64 00637000 H123 282 2 0 3 Females 65 + 00638000 H124 284 2 0 4 Total generations 00639000 H125 286 2 0 1 E. marr. in generation 1 00640000 H126 288 2 0 3 E. marr. in generation 2 00641000 H127 290 2 0 7 E. marr. in generation 3 00642000 H128 292 2 0 8 E. marr. in generation 4 00643000 H129 294 2 0 2 E. marr. in generation 5 00644000 H130 296 2 0 0 E. marr. in generation 6 00645000 H131 298 2 0 5 E. marr. in other generation 00646000 H132 300 2 0 0 N. marr. in generation 1 00647000 H133 302 2 0 1 N. marr. in generation 2 00648000 H134 304 2 0 9 N. marr. in generation 3 00649000 H135 306 2 0 18 N. marr. in generation 4 00650000 H136 308 2 0 12 N. marr. in generation 5 00651000 H137 310 2 0 3 N. marr. in generation 6 00652000 H138 312 2 0 11 N. marr. in other generation 00653000 H139 314 2 0 5 Total couples 00654000 H140 316 2 0 3 Generations with couples 00655000 H141 318 1 0 0 Couples in generation <1> 00656000 H142 319 1 0 1 Couples in generation <2> 00657000 H143 320 1 0 3 Couples in generation <3> 00658000 H144 321 1 0 4 Couples in generation <4> 00659000 H145 322 1 0 1 Couples in generation <5> 00660000 H146 323 1 0 0 Couples in generation <6> 00661000 H147 324 1 0 1 Cpls.in other generation <7-9> 00662000 H148 325 1 0 4 7 Household structure 00663000 0 No couples 00664000 1 One couple 00665000 2 Lateral extension 00666000 3 Vertical extension 00667000 4 Lat & vert extension 00668000 7 No dejure population 00669000 $PAGE 00669100 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00670000 * End of Country Standard Household Member Dictionary *00671000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00672000