WFS Data
The DHS Program USAID

World Fertility Survey

WFS Data

Indonesia (2), 1976 (WFS)

The following description of this survey appeared in the 1991 edition of Dynamic Database: A Catalogue of Survey Data Files, Voorburg: International Statistical Institute.

Basic Information

  • Name of survey: Indonesian Fertility Survey (SUPAS III)
  • Executive agency: Central Bureau of Statistics
  • Date of fieldwork: 1976
  • Universe: Ever-married women, -49
  • Coverage: Java and Bali, 100%
  • Size: 9155
  • Weights: Self-weighting within domains
  • Contents: WFS Core Mark 1 + fertility regulation and family planning (part) modules
  • Supplementary surveys: Household members (n = 10,156 households, 50,994 members, self-weighting within domains); Re-interview (n = 497)

Additional Information

The Indonesian Fertility Survey (also known as SUPAS III) was based on a subsample of a larger household survey (SUPAS II), which is also described in this catalogue. A fresh enumeration of household members was conducted as part of the fertility survey. The survey was confined to the islands of Java and Bali (= 67 per cent of total population).

The survey incorporated contraceptive availability items from the WFS family planning module: knowledge of specified sources; sources visited in last twelve months; last source visited; distance, travel time, mode/cost of transport, waiting time, amount of payment, intention to revisit and reason why not. A range of additional country-specific data on family planning dissemination was also included: specified mass media sources of information and whether each was found useful; discussions with specified categories of worker and whether discussion was found useful; nature of most useful public meeting; the topic of greatest perceived interest.

A small re-interview survey was conducted and the results are contained in reference 4 below. The DDB does not hold the file for the re-interview survey.

Release Conditions

Data may be used for academic research, provided that credit is given in any publication resulting from the research to the agency that conducted the survey and that two copies of any publication are sent to:

  Mr. Azwar Rasjid
Director General
Central Bureau of Statistics
9 Jln Dr. Sutomo
P.O. Box 3

Public Use Files

Available files include the raw household and individual data, and the individual standard recode data and dictionary, in the original WFS format. In addition, the individual standard recode dictionary dictionary data are available in ISSA format. The table below lists the file names and descriptions.

File Description File Type
idrd02.dat Data Ascii text file Additional information about household data. ISI version Ascii text file
idrd02.mrg Household data variable marginal frequencies Ascii text file Conditions of release for the original WFS format data Ascii text file
idsr01.dat Individual standard recode data. Original WFS format Ascii text file
idsr01.dct Codebook for individual standard recode data. Original WFS format Ascii text file Conditions of release for the ISSA format data Ascii text file
idsr01h.dat Individual standard recode data. ISSA format Ascii text file
idsr01h.dic Standard ISSA dictionary for ISSA format data (ISSA program is required to use this file) Binary file (requires ISSA program to use this file) Codebook file for the standard recode data. ISSA format Ascii text file

Note: Household information for Indonesia is part of the raw data file, which contains the raw data for the individual respondent survey as well. Household information is contained in record types 01 through 05 (cols 5-6). Record type 1 contains information about the household as well as information for household members 1 through 4. Record types 2-5 (if necessary) can each contain information for 6 additional members. The codebook for the raw data file (version 2) is available only in printed form in the OPR library. The marginals for the file are available.

Key References

1. Central Bureau of Statistics, Indonesian Fertility Survey, 1976: Principal Report, Jakarta, 1978. Vol.1 & Vol.2

2. Central Bureau of Statistics, Proceedings of the Seminar on Findings of the Indonesian Fertility Survey 1976, Jakarta, 1980.

3. Supraptilah, B., Evaluation of the Indonesian Fertility Survey 1976, WFS Scientific Reports no 38, 1982.

4. MacDonald, A.L., P.M. Simpson and A.M. Whitfield, An Assessment of the Reliability of the Indonesia Fertility Survey Data, WFS Scientific Reports no 3, 1978.

The DHS Program

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