WFS Data
The DHS Program USAID

World Fertility Survey

WFS Data

Syria, 1978 (WFS)

The following description of this survey appeared in the 1991 edition of Dynamic Database: A Catalogue of Survey Data Files, Voorburg: International Statistical Institute.

Basic Information

  • Name of survey: Syria Fertility Survey
  • Executive agency: Central Bureau of Statistics
  • Date of fieldwork: 1978
  • Universe: Ever-married women, -49
  • Coverage: National, 100%
  • Size: 4487
  • Weights: Self-weighting
  • Contents: WFS Core Mark 2 + FOTCAF module (part)
  • Supplementary surveys: Household members (n = 97,310, self-weighting); Community (n = 130)

Additional Information

There was a large household survey with an extended questionnaire covering: basic characteristics, children ever born/surviving, current fertility, adult mortality, ownership of 'modern' objects and housing conditions. Interviews with ever-married women aged 15-49 were conducted on the same visit, by the female interviewers, at a systematic 1-in-3 subsample of households. This questionnaire used the WFS core together with most of the questions in the FOTCAF module.

The sample design occupies one stage for most rural districts, two stages for larger villages and small urban areas and three stages for large urban areas.

The community data cover: distance from urban areas; public utilities and transport; media and communication; health and educational services.

Release Conditions

Data may be used for academic research, provided that credit is given in any publication resulting from the research to the agency that conducted the survey and that two copies of any publication are sent to:

  Dr. Abdel-Malik Al-Akhras
Director General
Central Bureau of Statistics
Office of the Prime Minister
Syrian Arab Republic

Public Use Files

Available files include the individual standard recode data and dictionary, in the original WFS format. In addition, the individual standard recode data and dictionary dictionary are available in ISSA format. The table below lists the file names and descriptions.

File Description File Type
syhm01.dat Household member data. Original WFS format Ascii text file
syhm01.dct Codebook for household member data. Original WFS format Ascii text file Conditions of release for the original WFS format data Ascii text file
sysr02.dat Individual standard recode data. Original WFS format Ascii text file
sysr02.dct Codebook for individual standard recode data. Original WFS format Ascii text file
syss01.dat Supplemental survey data. Original WFS format Ascii text file
syss01.dct Codebook for supplemental survey data. Original WFS format Ascii text file Conditions of release for the ISSA format data Ascii text file
sysr02h.dat Individual standard recode data. ISSA format Ascii text file
sysr02h.dic Standard ISSA dictionary for ISSA format data (ISSA program is required to use this file) Binary file (requires ISSA program to use this file) Codebook file for the standard recode data. ISSA format Ascii text file
sycd01.dat Community data. Original WFS format Ascii text file
sycd01.dct Codebook for community data. Original WFS format Ascii text file

Key References

1. Central Bureau of Statistics, Syria Fertility Survey 1978: Principal Report, Damascus, 1982. Vol.1 & Vol.2

2. Ali, I., Evaluation of the Syria Fertility Survey 1978, Central Bureau of Statistics, 1983.

3. Farid, S.M. and K. Alloush, eds Determinants of Fertility in Syria, ISI, 1987.

The DHS Program

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