WFS Data
The DHS Program USAID

World Fertility Survey

Basic Documentation (WFS)

The following is a list of Basic Documentation published by the World Fertility Survey between 1977 and 1985.

01. Kendall. 1976. Some Notes on Statistical Problems Likely to Arise in the Analysis of WFS Surveys
02. Kendall & O'Muircheartaigh. 1977. Path Analysis and Model Building
03. Pullum. 1978. Standardization
04. Verma. 1980. Basic Fertility Measures from Retrospective Birth Histories
05. Little. 1978. Generalized Linear Models for Cross-Classified Data from the WFS
06. Smith. 1980. Life Table Analysis
07. Rodriguez & Trussell. 1980. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Parameters of Coale's Model Nuptiality Schedule from Survey Data
08. Ryder. 1982. Progressive Fertility Analysis
09. Little. 1980. Linear Models for WFS Data
10. Little. 1982. Sampling Errors of Fertility Rates from the WFS
11. Verma. 1982. The Estimation and Presentation of Sampling Errors

The DHS Program

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