$TITLE "Community Survey, Korean Institute for Family Planning KR" 00001000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00002000 * * *00003000 * III SSSSSSIII Research Centre * *00004000 * III SSSSSSIII * Korean National *00005000 * III SS III Director Vijay K. Verma * Fertility survey *00006000 * III SS III 428 Princes Beatrixlaan * *00007000 * III SSSSS III P.O Box 950 * *00008000 * III SSSSS III 2270 AZ Voorburg * *00009000 * III SS III Netherlands * Dictionary for *00010000 * III SS III Tel (070) 69 43 41 * Community data *00011000 * IIISSSSSS III Cable statist Voorburg * Raw Data *00012000 * IIISSSSSS III Telex 32260 isi nl * *00013000 * * *00014000 ************************************************************************00015000 * *00016000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00017000 ( Country code : KR *00018000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00019000 ( Type of data : CD *00020000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00021000 ( Version of data : 02 *00022000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00023000 * File : Dict *00024000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00025000 ( Version of dictionary : 1.0.1 *00026000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00027000 ( Date created : 30 Sept 1987 (MV) *00028000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00029000 ( Date last amended : 5 Oct 1987 (MV) *00030000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00031000 ( Descriptive document : ISIRC Tech *00032000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00033000 * Master dictionary : 08 (21 October 1985/NO) *00034000 *------------------------:---------------------------------------------*00035000 * *00036000 * *00037000 * Bibliographic citation *00038000 * ---------------------- *00039000 * *00040000 * Any published report or paper using data from this file should *00041000 * include the following citation among its references: *00042000 * *00043000 * Korean Institute for Family Planning, Seoul. Korean National *00044000 * Fertility Survey 1974, Community data version 2 *00045000 * *00046000 * The Hague: International Statistical Institute Research Centre *00047000 * [producer and distributor] *00048000 * *00049000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00050000 $PAGE 00051000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00052000 * *00053000 * This document contains six types of record. They are distinguished *00054000 * by the character printed in position 1: *00055000 * *00056000 * alphabetic character (A-Z) - a variable definition record. *00057000 * blank - a value definition record. *00058000 * left parenthesis ("(") - a record that documents the basic *00059000 * provenance of the dictionary. *00060000 * percent symbol ("%") - indicates one of three kinds *00061000 * of record, "%FILE", "%CASE" and *00062000 * "%TABLE", described below. *00063000 * greater than symbol (">") - used in conjunction with "%TABLE". *00064000 * dollar sign ("$") - a title or page-control direction. *00065000 * asterisk ("*") - a comment. *00066000 * *00067000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00068000 * *00069000 * Positions 73-80 of all dictionary entries are reserved for a sequ- *00070000 * ence number. *00071000 * *00072000 * All values are coded right justified in their field, while names *00073000 * and labels are coded left justified. *00074000 * *00075000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00076000 * *00077000 * Abbreviations used for intervals: *00078000 * *00079000 * FBI first birth interval *00080000 * FPI first pregnancy interval *00081000 * LCBI last closed birth interval *00082000 * LCPI last closed pregnancy interval *00083000 * OBI open birth interval *00084000 * OPI open pregnancy interval *00085000 * *00086000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00087000 * *00088000 * Dates: *00089000 * *00090000 * All dates in the file are represented by century month codes (cmc). *00091000 * The century month code is defined as the number of months since *00092000 * December 1899 and is calculated as follows: *00093000 * cmc = 12*year + month *00094000 * You can convert from cmc to normal calendar dates like this: *00095000 * year = (cmc - 1)/12 *00096000 * month = cmc - 12*year *00097000 * To compute the length of time in months between any two events *00098000 * subtract the cmc of the first event from the cmc of the second *00099000 * event. *00100000 * *00101000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00102000 $PAGE 00103000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00104000 * *00105000 * Variable Definition Records: *00106000 * *00107000 * Variable definition records are used to provide names and labels *00108000 * for variables, to define their location in the file, and to state *00109000 * their range and special codes. The format of a variable definition *00110000 * record is: *00111000 * *00112000 * Position Contents Remarks *00113000 * *00114000 * 1-6 Variable name Identifies the variable; up to six *00115000 * characters, the first being a letter. *00116000 * *00117000 * 8-9 Record type If more than one record type is present.*00118000 * This corresponds to a record type which *00119000 * is defined in a %REC entry. *00120000 * *00121000 * 10-13 Starting location Position where variable starts. *00122000 * *00123000 * 15-16 Length Number of positions occupied by the *00124000 * variable. *00125000 * *00126000 * 17-20 Minimum Lowest value of variable. *00127000 * *00128000 * 21-24 Maximum Highest value of variable other than *00129000 * "not applicable" or special codes. *00130000 * *00131000 * 26-29 Not applicable Code used for "not applicable",if any; *00132000 * otherwise left blank. "#" indicates that*00133000 * blanks in the data mean "not applicable"*00134000 * *00135000 * 31-34 Special code This indicates a value requiring *00136000 * special treatment in analysis. As a *00137000 * variable may have more than one spec- *00138000 * ial code, only the lowest value of *00139000 * these is shown here. Others will be *00140000 * indicated as value definition records *00141000 * only. Usually this code is used for *00142000 * "not stated", if any. *00143000 * *00144000 * 36-65 Variable label Describes the variable more fully than *00145000 * the name; up to 30 characters. *00146000 * *00147000 * 67-72 Value label If the codes for this variable have *00148000 * backreference the same labels as some previously def- *00149000 * ined variable,the name of the previous *00150000 * variable is given here. *00151000 * *00152000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00153000 $PAGE 00154000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00155000 * *00156000 * Value Definition Records: *00157000 * *00158000 * Value definition records follow a variable definition record and *00159000 * are used to provide labels describing the meaning of the codes of *00160000 * the variable. If used in conjunction with a value label reference *00161000 * (in the variable definition record) they can be used to add new *00162000 * codes or to redefine the labels of old codes. The format of a *00163000 * value definition record is: *00164000 * *00165000 * Position Contents Remarks *00166000 * *00167000 * 36-39 Value The code being defined. *00168000 * *00169000 * 44-63 Label Up to 20 characters, left justified. *00170000 * *00171000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00172000 $PAGE 00173000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00174000 * *00175000 * %FILE record: *00176000 * *00177000 * There is only one "%FILE" record in a dictionary, preceding the *00178000 * variable definition records. It contains basic information about *00179000 * the data file. The format of a %FILE record is: *00180000 * *00181000 * Position Contents Remarks *00182000 * *00183000 * 1-5 %FILE *00184000 * *00185000 * 9-10 Country code Identifies the country. *00186000 * *00187000 * 19-20 Data type Type of data described. *00188000 * *00189000 * 29-30 Version Version of data file . *00190000 * *00191000 * 37-40 Logical record length *00192000 * *00193000 * 43-50 Max no of recs Number of physical records ("cards") *00194000 * in the data file. *00195000 * *00196000 * 60 Data recording mode "A" = Ascii. *00197000 * *00198000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00199000 * *00200000 * %CASE records: *00201000 * *00202000 * A "%CASE" record describes the location and length of the case *00203000 * key and gives the number of cases. It can be used to describe *00204000 * multiple case keys. The format of a %CASE record is: *00205000 * *00206000 * Position Contents Remarks *00207000 * *00208000 * 1-5 %CASE *00209000 * *00210000 * 15 Sort order "A"=ascending, "D"=descending *00211000 * "U"=unsorted. *00212000 * *00213000 * 22-25 Location of case key.Starting position of 1st case key. *00214000 * *00215000 * 33-35 Length of case key *00216000 * *00217000 * 49-55 Max number of cases in data file *00218000 * *00219000 * Note: For standard recode files the number of cases in the %CASE *00220000 * record is the same as the number of physical records in the *00221000 * %FILE record. *00222000 * *00223000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00224000 $PAGE 00225000 * %TABLE records: *00226000 * *00227000 * These records allow a compact description of data items (one or *00228000 * more variables), which repeat in regular blocks, by indicating how *00229000 * the information is repeated. The %TABLE record is followed by *00230000 * records with ">" in position 1. These are variable and value *00231000 * definition records describing one set of entries in the table. The *00232000 * format of a %TABLE record is: *00233000 * *00234000 * Postion Contents Remarks *00235000 * *00236000 * 1-6 %TABLE *00237000 * *00238000 * 8-9 Formal name This is a name by which the table *00239000 * may be referenced (left justified). *00240000 * *00241000 * 26-30 Starting location The starting position in the data *00242000 * file of the 1st variable in the 1st *00243000 * set of the table. *00244000 * *00245000 * 38-40 Step size Number of positions between the *00246000 * start of each set. *00247000 * *00248000 * 64-65 Actual entries The maximum number of sets for that *00249000 * particular country. *00250000 * *00251000 * 69-70 Max. entries The number of sets for which there *00252000 * is space in the data file. *00253000 * *00254000 * ">" records: *00255000 * *00256000 * All definition records describing table variables have this char- *00257000 * acter in position 1. These records are of two kinds: *00258000 * *00259000 * Variable definition records. *00260000 * *00261000 * The format of a table variable definition record is: *00262000 * *00263000 * Position Contents Remarks *00264000 * *00265000 * 1 > Indicates that the information is *00266000 * part of a table. *00267000 * 2-5 Variable name Maximum 4 characters. *00268000 * *00269000 * 8-9 Table name The name given in position 8-9 of *00270000 * the preceding %TABLE record. *00271000 * *00272000 * 10-13 Location This gives the starting position of *00273000 * the variable within the table. *00274000 * *00275000 * 15-72 Label & backref. As for normal variable definition *00276000 * records. *00277000 * *00278000 * Value definition records. *00279000 * *00280000 * These are the same as normal value definition records apart from *00281000 * the character ">" in position 1. *00282000 ************************************************************************00283000 $PAGE 00284000 ************************************************************************00285000 * *00286000 * Logical Maximum Data *00287000 * Country Data Data record number recording *00288000 * code type version length of recs mode *00289000 * ------- ---- ------- ------ ------- --------- *00290000 * *00291000 %FILE KR CD 02 80 420 A *00292000 ************************************************************************00293000 * *00294000 * Maximum *00295000 * Sort Case key number *00296000 * order location length number of recs *00297000 * ----- -------- -------- ------ ------- *00298000 * *00299000 %CASE A 4 3 1 60 *00300000 ************************************************************************00301000 * *00302000 * Location Length Minimum Maximum Maximum *00303000 * of card of card value of value of cards *00304000 * code code cardcode cardcode per case *00305000 * --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- *00306000 * *00307000 %CARDCODE 2 2 1 7 7 *00308000 ************************************************************************00309000 * *00310000 * Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum *00311000 * Record value of value of number of number of Sub Type *00312000 * type cardcode cardcode occurrncs occurrncs loc ln min max*00313000 * ------ -------- -------- --------- --------- --- -- --- ---*00314000 * *00315000 %REC 01 1 1 1 1 *00316000 %REC 02 2 2 1 1 *00317000 %REC 03 3 3 1 1 *00318000 %REC 04 4 4 1 1 *00319000 %REC 05 5 5 1 1 *00320000 %REC 06 6 6 1 1 *00321000 %REC 07 7 7 1 1 *00322000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00323000 $PAGE 00324000 ************************************************************************00325000 * CARD TYPE 01 *00326000 * SECTION 1 *00327000 * *00328000 ************************************************************************00329000 * *00330000 * Socio-background variables *00331000 ************************************************************************00332000 *Name Loc Ln Min Max NA Spec Variable label *00333000 *---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------------- *00334000 * *00335000 C001 01 1 1 3 3 SCHEDULE NUMBER 00336000 3 COMMUNITY SURVEY SCHED. 00337000 C002 01 2 2 1 1 CARD TYPE 00338000 C003 01 4 3 201 327 SAMPLE E.D. NUMBER 00339000 C004 01 7 1 1 4 8 MAIN INFORMANT'S POSITION 00340000 1 RI CHIEF 00341000 2 CH. OF NEW VILL. MOVEMENT 00342000 3 CHIEF OF WOMEN'S CLUB 00343000 4 OTHER 00344000 8 NOT STATED 00345000 C005 01 8 2 74 77 YEAR OF SURVEY 00346000 74 1974 00347000 75 1975 00348000 77 1977 00349000 C006 01 10 2 1 12 MONTH OF SURVEY 00350000 C007 01 12 1 1 2 8 INF,WIFE INTV IND.SURVEY 00351000 1 YES 00352000 2 NO 00353000 8 NOT STATED 00354000 C007A 01 13 10 9999 8888 SAMPLE NO IN IND. SURVEY 00355000 C008 01 23 4 281 570 8888 AL. POPULATION SIZE 70,74 00356000 8888 NOT STATED 00357000 C009 01 27 4 265 620 AL. POPULATION SIZE 74,77 00358000 C010 01 31 1 0 2 8 POLULATION CHANGES 70-74 00359000 0 NO CHANGE 00360000 1 INCREASED 00361000 2 DECREASED 00362000 8 NOT STATED 00363000 C011 01 32 2 0 46 88 PERCENT CHANGE POP. 70-74 00364000 0 NO CHANGE 00365000 1 0.1-1.9% 00366000 2 2.0-2.9% 00367000 88 NOT STATED 00368000 C012 01 34 3 46 93 888 NO. HOUSEHOLDS 70 OR 74 00369000 888 NOT STATED 00370000 C013 01 37 3 50 142 NO. HOUSEHOLDS 74 OR 77 00371000 C014 01 40 1 0 2 8 CHANGE NO OF HH 70-74,74-77 00372000 0 NO CHANGE 00373000 1 INCREASED 00374000 2 DECREASED 00375000 8 NOT STATED 00376000 C015 01 41 2 0 30 88 PERCENT CHANGE IN 70-74,74-77 00377000 0 NO CHANGE 00378000 1 0.1-1.9% 00379000 2 0.2-2.9% 00380000 88 NOT STATED 00381000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00382000 * HOUSEHOLDS MOVES *00383000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00384000 C016 01 43 2 0 8 88 NO. HH. MOVED OUT DUR. PAST YR 00385000 0 NONE 00386000 1 ONE HOUSEHOLD 00387000 88 NOT APPLICABE 00388000 C017 01 45 1 1 4 9 8 GEN. DESTINATION OUT-MIGRATION 00389000 1 OTH. BURAK SAME EUP,MYEON 00390000 2 OTH. BURAK DIFF EUP,MYEON 00391000 3 OTH. BURAK WITH EUP OFFICE 00392000 4 CITIES 00393000 8 NOT STATED 00394000 9 NOT APPLICABLE 00395000 C018 01 46 2 0 11 88 NO. HH. MOVED IN DURING PST YR 00396000 0 NONE 00397000 1 ONE HOUSEHOLD 00398000 88 NOT STATED 00399000 C019 01 48 1 1 4 9 8 GEN. DISTINATION IN-MIGRATION C017 00400000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00401000 * OCCUPATIONAL COMPOSITION OF HOUSEHOLDS *00402000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00403000 C020 01 49 3 33 100 888 % FARMING AND FORESTRY 00404000 0 NONE 00405000 1 0.1-1.9% 00406000 888 NOT STATED 00407000 C021 01 52 2 0 5 88 % FISHING 00408000 0 NONE 00409000 1 0.1-1.9% 00410000 88 NOT STATED 00411000 C022 01 54 2 0 30 88 % MINING C021 00412000 C023 01 56 2 0 10 88 % MANUFACTURING C021 00413000 C024 01 58 2 0 3 88 % TRANSPORTATION,COMMUNICAT C021 00414000 C025 01 60 2 0 17 88 % COMMERCE C021 00415000 C026 01 62 2 0 24 88 % CIVIL SERVICE C021 00416000 C027 01 64 2 0 17 88 % SERVICE C021 00417000 C028 01 66 2 0 36 88 % OTHERS C021 00418000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00419000 * MEAN AGE OF PERSONS BY SEX *00420000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00421000 C029 01 68 2 20 34 MEAN AGE, MALE 00422000 C030 01 70 2 22 31 MEAN AGE, FEMALE 00423000 C031 01 72 2 22 29 MEAN AGE, TOTAL 00424000 C032 01 74 3 123 308 POPULATION SIZE ,MALE 00425000 C033 01 77 3 127 333 POPULATION SIZE,FEM 00426000 ************************************************************************00427000 $PAGE 00428000 ************************************************************************00429000 * CARD TYPE 02 *00430000 * *00431000 ************************************************************************00432000 * *00433000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00434000 * TRANSPORTATION *00435000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00436000 * *00437000 *Name Loc Ln Min Max NA Spec Variable label *00438000 *---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------------- *00439000 * *00440000 C034 02 7 2 0 12 99 88 MYEON OFFICE 00441000 0 IN THIS BURAK 00442000 1 1.0-1.9 KM 00443000 2 2.0-2.9 KM 00444000 88 NOT STATED 00445000 99 NOT APPLICABLE 00446000 C035 02 9 3 0 120 999 888 MYEON OFFICE, WALK 00447000 0 IN THIS BURAK 00448000 1 1.0-1.9 MINUTES 00449000 2 2.0-2.9 MINUTES 00450000 888 NOT STATED 00451000 999 NOT APPLICABLE 00452000 C036 02 12 3 0 60 999 888 MYEON OFFICE, BUS C035 00453000 C037 02 15 2 2 60 99 88 NEAREST EUP OFFICE C034 00454000 C038 02 17 3 30 300 999 888 NEAREST EUP OFF.,WALK C035 00455000 C039 02 20 3 5 180 999 888 NEAREST EUP OFF.,BUS C035 00456000 C040 02 23 2 4 87 99 88 NEAREST CITY C034 00457000 C041 02 25 1 1 4 9 8 NEAREST CITY, USUAL MODE 00458000 1 WALKING 00459000 2 BUS 00460000 3 WALK + BUS 00461000 4 OTHER 00462000 8 NOT STATED 00463000 9 NOT APPLICABLE 00464000 C042 02 26 3 20 240 999 888 NEAREST CITY USUAL MODE C035 00465000 C043 02 29 2 0 32 88 NEAREST MARKET C034 00466000 C044 02 31 1 1 4 9 8 NEAREST MARKET USUAL MODE C041 00467000 C045 02 32 3 0 190 999 888 NEAREST MARKET USUAL MOD C035 00468000 C046 02 35 2 0 32 99 88 NEAREST BUS STATION C034 00469000 C047 02 37 1 1 4 9 8 NEAREST BUS STATION USUAL MODE C041 00470000 C048 02 38 3 0 190 999 888 NEAREST BUS STATION C035 00471000 C049 02 41 2 1 87 99 88 NEAREST RAILROAD STATION C034 00472000 C050 02 43 1 1 4 9 8 NEAREST RAILROAD USUAL MODE C041 00473000 C051 02 44 3 8 240 999 888 NEAREST RAILROAD USUAL C035 00474000 C052 02 47 2 0 87 99 88 NEAREST FERRY C034 00475000 C053 02 49 1 1 4 9 8 NEAREST FERRY USUAL MODE C041 00476000 C054 02 50 3 0 270 999 888 NEAREST FERRY USUAL MODE C035 00477000 C055 02 53 1 1 4 MODE OF TRANSP. NEAREST MARKET 00478000 1 WALKING 00479000 2 BICYCLE 00480000 3 BUS 00481000 4 OTHER 00482000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00483000 $PAGE 00484000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00485000 * COMMUNICATION *00486000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00487000 C056 02 54 2 0 10 NEAREST POST OFFICE C034 00488000 C057 02 56 3 0 210 NEAREST POST OFFICE C035 00489000 C058 02 59 2 0 10 NEAREST TELEPHONE C034 00490000 C059 02 61 3 0 210 NEAREST TELEPHONE C035 00491000 C060 02 64 2 0 32 88 NEAREST MOVIE THEATER C034 00492000 C061 02 66 3 0 210 888 NEAREST MOVIE THEATER C035 00493000 C062 02 69 3 30 100 888 PROPORTION OF HH WITH RADIO 00494000 0 NONE 00495000 1 1.0-1.9% 00496000 2 2.0-2.9% 00497000 888 NOT STATED 00498000 C063 02 72 2 0 50 88 PROPORTION HH WITH NEWSPAPER 00499000 0 NONE 00500000 1 1.0-1.9% 00501000 2 2.0-2.9% 00502000 88 NOT STATED 00503000 C064 02 74 2 0 40 88 PROPORTION HH WITH TELEVISION C063 00504000 C065 02 76 1 1 2 8 AMPLIFIER SYSTEM IN BURAK 00505000 1 YES 00506000 2 NO 00507000 8 NOT STATED 00508000 C066 02 77 1 1 2 8 COMMUNITY CENTER IN BURAK C065 00509000 C067 02 78 1 1 2 OLD FOLK'S RECREATION IN BURAK C065 00510000 ************************************************************************00511000 $PAGE 00512000 ************************************************************************00513000 * CARD TYPE 03 *00514000 * *00515000 ************************************************************************00516000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00517000 * ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT FACILITIES *00518000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00519000 * *00520000 *Name Loc Ln Min Max NA Spec Variable label *00521000 *---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------------- *00522000 * *00523000 C068 03 7 2 0 32 NEAREST POLICE STATION 00524000 0 IN THIS BURAK 00525000 1 1.0-1.9 KM 00526000 C069 03 9 1 1 4 9 NEAREST POLICE STATION US.MODE 00527000 1 WALKING 00528000 2 BUS 00529000 3 WALKING + BUS 00530000 4 OTHER 00531000 9 NOT APPLICALBE 00532000 C070 03 10 3 0 210 NEAREST POLICE STATION 00533000 0 IN THIS BURAK 00534000 1 1.0-1.9 MINUTES 00535000 C071 03 13 2 0 30 NEAREST AGRICUL. CO-OP C068 00536000 C072 03 15 1 1 4 9 NEAREST AGRICUL. CO-OP US.MODE C069 00537000 C073 03 16 3 0 210 NEAREST AGRICUL. CO-OP C070 00538000 C074 03 19 2 0 12 NEAREST EUP OR MYEON OFF. C068 00539000 C075 03 21 1 1 4 9 NEAREST EUP,MYEON USUAL MODE C069 00540000 C076 03 22 3 0 210 NEAREST EUP,MYEON C070 00541000 C077 03 25 2 1 50 NEAREST GUN OFFICE C068 00542000 C078 03 27 1 1 4 9 NEAREST GUN OFFICE, US. MODE C069 00543000 C079 03 28 3 5 190 888 NEAREST GUN OFFICE C070 00544000 888 NOT STATED 00545000 C080 03 31 3 12 500 888 NEAREST DO OFFICE 00546000 0 IN THIS BURAK 00547000 1 1.0-1.9 KM 00548000 888 NOT STATED 00549000 C081 03 34 1 1 4 8 NEAREST DO OFFICE, USUAL MODE C069 00550000 C082 03 35 3 45 840 888 NEAREST DO OFFICE C070 00551000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00552000 * MEDICAL AND HEALTH FACILITIES *00553000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00554000 C083 03 38 2 0 87 NEAREST HOSPITAL C068 00555000 C084 03 40 1 1 4 9 NEAREST HOSPITAL, USUAL MODE C069 00556000 C085 03 41 3 0 270 NEAREST HOSPITAL C070 00557000 C086 03 44 2 1 32 88 NEAREST PRIVATE DOCTOR C068 00558000 C087 03 46 1 1 4 8 NEAREST PRIV. DOCTOR,US. MODE C069 00559000 C088 03 47 3 5 210 888 NEAREST PRIVATE DOCTOR C070 00560000 C089 03 50 2 0 36 NEAREST HEALTH CENTER C068 00561000 C090 03 52 1 1 4 9 NEAREST HEALTH CENT.US. MODE C069 00562000 C091 03 53 3 0 210 NEAREST HEALTH CENTER C070 00563000 C092 03 56 2 0 13 NEAREST WESTERN PHARMACY C068 00564000 C093 03 58 1 1 4 9 NEAREST WEST.PHARMACY,US. MOD C069 00565000 C094 03 59 3 0 210 NEAREST WEST.PHARMACY C070 00566000 C095 03 62 2 0 32 NEAR. KOREAN PHARM,DOCTOR C068 00567000 C096 03 64 1 1 4 9 NEAR. KOREAN PHARM,DOCT,US.MOD C069 00568000 C097 03 65 3 0 210 NEAR. KOREAN PHARM,DOCT C070 00569000 C098 03 68 2 0 48 88 NEAREST MIDWIFE C068 00570000 C099 03 70 1 1 4 9 8 NEAREST MIDWIFE USUAL MODE C069 00571000 C100 03 71 3 0 210 888 NEAREST MIDWIFE C070 00572000 C101 03 74 1 1 5 SICK CHILD MED CARE 1ST WEEK 00573000 1 NONE 00574000 2 LESS THAN 10% 00575000 3 10-29% 00576000 4 30-79% 00577000 5 80% OR MORE 00578000 C102 03 75 1 1 3 LIKELIHOOD WEST.OR KOREAN MED 00579000 1 MORE LIKELY WESTERN 00580000 2 MORE LIKELY KOREAN 00581000 3 BOTH 00582000 ************************************************************************00583000 $PAGE 00584000 ************************************************************************00585000 * CARD TYPE 04 *00586000 * *00587000 ************************************************************************00588000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00589000 * FAMILY PLANNING SERVICE *00590000 * SECTION 1 *00591000 * type of service and distance *00592000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00593000 * *00594000 *Name Loc Ln Min Max NA Spec Variable label *00595000 *---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------------- *00596000 * *00597000 C103 04 7 2 0 28 88 HEALTH CENTER WITH F.P. 00598000 0 IN THIS BURAK 00599000 1 1.0-1.9 KM 00600000 2 2.0-2.9 KM 00601000 88 NOT STATED 00602000 C104 04 9 1 1 4 9 8 HEALTH CENTER USUAL MODE 00603000 1 WALKING 00604000 2 BUS 00605000 3 WALKING + BUS 00606000 4 OTHER 00607000 8 NOT STATED 00608000 9 NOT APPLICABLE 00609000 C105 04 10 3 0 210 888 HEALTH CENTER WITH F.P. 00610000 0 IN THIS BURAK 00611000 1 1.0-1.9 MINUTES 00612000 888 NOT STATED 00613000 C106 04 13 2 0 32 88 HOSPITAL,CLINIC WITH F.P. C103 00614000 C107 04 15 1 1 4 9 8 HOSPITAL,CLINIC USUAL MODE C104 00615000 C108 04 16 3 0 210 888 HOSPITAL,CLINIC WITH F.P. C105 00616000 C109 04 19 2 0 32 88 PRIV.DOCT. INSERTS LOOPS C103 00617000 C110 04 21 1 1 4 9 8 PRIV.DOCT. INSERTS LPS US.MODE C104 00618000 C111 04 22 3 0 210 888 PRIV.DOCT. INSERTS LOOPS C105 00619000 C112 04 25 2 1 80 88 PRIV.DOCT. PERF.VASECTOMY C103 00620000 C113 04 27 1 1 4 9 8 PR.DOCT. PERF.VASECTOMY US.MOD C104 00621000 C114 04 28 3 5 210 888 PR.DOCT. PERF.VASECTOMY C105 00622000 C115 04 31 2 1 48 88 PR.D. PERF.IND.ABORTION C103 00623000 C116 04 33 1 1 4 9 8 PR.D. PERF.IND.ABORTION,US.MOD C104 00624000 C117 04 34 3 15 210 888 PR.D. PERF.IND.ABORTION C105 00625000 C118 04 37 2 0 40 88 PHARMACY,SHOP CONTRACEPT. C103 00626000 C119 04 39 1 1 4 9 8 PHAR,SHOP CONTRACEPT.,USUAL MD C104 00627000 C120 04 40 3 0 210 888 PHAR,SHOP CONTRACEPT. C105 00628000 C121 04 43 2 0 10 88 PLACE MOTHER'S CLASSES C103 00629000 C122 04 45 1 1 4 9 8 PLACE MOTHER'S CLASSES US. MOD C104 00630000 C123 04 46 3 0 120 888 PLACE MOTHER'S CLASSES C105 00631000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00632000 $PAGE 00633000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00634000 * SECTION 2 *00635000 * Acceptors in the national Family Planning Program *00636000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00637000 C124 04 49 3 3 53 888 NO OF ACCEPTORS 00638000 0 NONE 00639000 1 ONE 00640000 2 TWO 00641000 888 NOT STATED 00642000 C125 04 52 3 4 90 888 % ACCEPTORS MARRIED WOM < 50 00643000 0 0 % 00644000 1 1.0-1.9% 00645000 2 2.0-2.9% 00646000 888 NOT STATED 00647000 ************************************************************************00648000 $PAGE 00649000 ************************************************************************00650000 * CARD TYPE 05 *00651000 * *00652000 ************************************************************************00653000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00654000 * EDUCATION *00655000 * Kind of school and distance *00656000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00657000 * *00658000 *Name Loc Ln Min Max NA Spec Variable label *00659000 *---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------------- *00660000 * *00661000 C126 05 7 2 0 4 88 PRIMARY SCHOOL 00662000 0 LOCATED IN THIS BURAK 00663000 1 1.0-1.9 KM 00664000 88 NOT STATED 00665000 C127 05 9 1 1 4 9 8 PRIMARY SCHOOL USUAL MODE 00666000 1 WALKING 00667000 2 BUS 00668000 3 WALKING + BUS 00669000 4 OTHER 00670000 8 NOT STATED 00671000 9 NOT APPLICABLE 00672000 C128 05 10 3 0 60 888 PRIMARY SCHOOL 00673000 0 IN THIS BURAK 00674000 1 1.0-1.9 MINUTES 00675000 888 NOT STATED 00676000 C129 05 13 2 0 11 88 MIDDLE SCHOOL C126 00677000 C130 05 15 1 1 4 9 8 MIDDLE SCHOOL USUAL MODE C127 00678000 C131 05 16 3 0 120 999 888 MIDDLE SCHOOL C128 00679000 999 NOT APPLICABLE 00680000 C132 05 19 2 0 40 88 HIGH SCHOOL C126 00681000 C133 05 21 1 1 4 9 8 HIGH SCHOOL USUAL MODE C127 00682000 C134 05 22 3 0 190 999 888 HIGH SCHOOL C128 00683000 999 NOT APPLICABLE 00684000 C135 05 25 2 22 58 88 NO.ATTENDED PRIM SCHOOL,MALE 00685000 0 NONE 00686000 1 ONE 00687000 88 NOT STATED 00688000 C136 05 27 2 17 58 88 NO.ATTENDED PRIM SCHOOL,FEM C135 00689000 C137 05 29 3 40 108 888 NO.ATTENDED PRIM SCHOOL,TOTAL 00690000 888 NOT STATED 00691000 C138 05 32 2 3 36 88 NO.ATTENDED MIDD SCHOOL,MALE C135 00692000 C139 05 34 2 1 28 88 NO.ATTENDED MIDD SCHOOL,FEM C135 00693000 C140 05 36 2 5 64 88 NO.ATTENDED MIDD SCHOOL,TOTAL C135 00694000 C141 05 38 2 0 15 88 NO.ATTENDED HIGH SCHOOL,MALE C135 00695000 C142 05 40 2 0 21 88 NO.ATTENDED HIGH SCHOOL,FEM C135 00696000 C143 05 42 2 0 36 88 NO.ATTENDED HIGH SCHOOL,TOTAL C135 00697000 C144 05 44 2 0 2 88 NO.ATTENDED COLLEGE,MALE C135 00698000 C145 05 46 2 0 1 88 NO.ATTENDED COLLEGE,FEM C135 00699000 C146 05 48 2 0 3 NO.ATTENDED COLLEGE,TOTAL C135 00700000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00701000 $PAGE 00702000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00703000 * no of children in school, age groups *00704000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00705000 C147 05 50 2 21 59 PRIM.SCHOOL <6-11>,MALE 00706000 0 NONE 00707000 1 ONE 00708000 C148 05 52 2 17 61 PRIM.SCHOOL <6-11>,FEM C147 00709000 C149 05 54 3 40 110 PRIM.SCHOOL <6-11>,TOTAL 00710000 0 NONE 00711000 C150 05 57 2 7 39 MIDD.SCHOOL <12-14>,MALE C147 00712000 C151 05 59 2 9 31 MIDD.SCHOOL <12-14>,FEM C147 00713000 C152 05 61 2 16 68 MIDD.SCHOOL <12-14>,TOTAL C147 00714000 C153 05 63 2 5 27 HIGH SCHOOL <15-17>,MALE C147 00715000 C154 05 65 2 1 37 HIGH SCHOOL <15-17>,FEM C147 00716000 C155 05 67 2 11 59 HIGH SCHOOL <15-17>,TOTAL C147 00717000 C156 05 69 2 2 24 COLLEGE <18-21>,MALE C147 00718000 C157 05 71 2 2 31 COLLEGE <18-21>,FEM C147 00719000 C158 05 73 2 5 48 COLLEGE <18-21>,TOTAL C147 00720000 ************************************************************************00721000 $PAGE 00722000 ************************************************************************00723000 * CARD TYPE 06 *00724000 * *00725000 ************************************************************************00726000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00727000 * LITERACY *00728000 * proportion of adults 20 and over *00729000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00730000 * *00731000 *Name Loc Ln Min Max NA Spec Variable label *00732000 *---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------------- *00733000 * *00734000 C159 06 7 2 0 0 CAN WRITE LETTERS, MALE 00735000 C160 06 9 2 0 0 CAN WRITE LETTERS, FEM 00736000 C161 06 11 2 0 0 CAN READ NEWSPAPERS,MALE 00737000 C162 06 13 2 0 0 CAN READ NEWSPAPERS,FEM 00738000 C163 06 15 2 25 55 COMPL.PRIM.SCHOOL,MALE 00739000 C164 06 17 2 19 56 COMPL.PRIM.SCHOOL,FEM C163 00740000 C165 06 19 2 2 29 COMPL.MIDD.SCHOOL,MALE C163 00741000 C166 06 21 2 0 13 COMPL.MIDD.SCHOOL,FEM C163 00742000 C167 06 23 2 0 27 COMPL.HIGH SCHOOL,MALE C163 00743000 C168 06 25 2 0 8 COMPL.HIGH SCHOOL,FEM C163 00744000 C169 06 27 2 0 10 RESIDENTS COMPL.COLLEGE,MALE C163 00745000 C170 06 29 2 0 4 RESIDENTS COMPL.COLLEGE,FEM C163 00746000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00747000 * AGRICULTURE *00748000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00749000 C171 06 31 3 20 100 PROP.ALL WOMEN WHO WORK 15+ 00750000 0 NONE 00751000 1 1.0-1.9% 00752000 C172 06 34 3 20 100 LABOR FORCE AGRICULTURE,MALE 00753000 0 NONE 00754000 1 1.0-1.9% 00755000 C173 06 37 3 12 100 LABOR FORCE AGRICULTURE,FEM C172 00756000 C174 06 40 3 43 97 LABOR FORCE AS OWNERS,MALE C172 00757000 C175 06 43 3 36 98 LABOR FORCE AS OWNERS,FEM C172 00758000 C176 06 46 2 0 45 LABOR FORCE AS TENANTS,MALE 00759000 0 NONE 00760000 1 1.0-1.9% 00761000 C177 06 48 2 0 40 LABOR FORCE AS TENANTS,FEM C176 00762000 C178 06 50 2 0 28 L B AS LABORER FOR OTHERS,MALE C176 00763000 C179 06 52 2 0 42 L B AS LABORER FOR OTHERS,FEM C176 00764000 C180 06 54 3 0 84 CULTIVATED LAND PADDY OR DRY 00765000 0 NONE: 100% DRY FIELD 00766000 1 1.0-1.9%:99% DRY FIELD 00767000 100 100%: NONE DRY FIELD 00768000 C181 06 57 5 07777 9999 8888 AVERAGE SIZE OF FARM HOLDING 00769000 0 NONE 00770000 1 1 PYUNG 00771000 2 2 PYUNG 00772000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00773000 $PAGE 00774000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00775000 *MAJOR CROPS OF THE ARES WITH ESTIMATED % OF TOTAL SCREAGE TO EACH CROP*00776000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00777000 C182 06 62 3 0 84 % TOTAL ACREAGE TO RICE CROP 00778000 0 NONE 00779000 1 1.0-1.9% 00780000 C183 06 65 3 0 140 % TOTAL ACR. OTHER FOOD,GRAIN C182 00781000 * *00782000 C184 06 68 2 0 60 88 % TOTAL ACREAGE TO FRUITS 00783000 0 NONE 00784000 1 1.0-1.9% 00785000 88 NOT STATED 00786000 C185 06 70 2 0 50 88 % TOTAL ACREAGE TO VEGETABLES C184 00787000 C186 06 72 2 0 70 88 % TOTAL ACR. TO SPECIAL CROPS C184 00788000 C187 06 74 2 0 0 88 % TOTAL ACR. TO MEDICAL CROPS C184 00789000 C188 06 76 2 0 42 88 % TOTAL ACR. TO OTHER CROPS C184 00790000 ************************************************************************00791000 $PAGE 00792000 ************************************************************************00793000 * CARD TYPE 07 *00794000 * *00795000 ************************************************************************00796000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00797000 * proportion farms using powered equipment,chemical insecticides, *00798000 * irrigation water *00799000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00800000 *Name Loc Ln Min Max NA Spec Variable label *00801000 *---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------------- *00802000 C189 07 7 1 0 4 9 8 POWERED EQUIPMENT ETC 00803000 0 NONE 00804000 1 LESS THAN 10% 00805000 2 10-29% 00806000 3 30-79% 00807000 4 80% OR MORE 00808000 8 NOT STATED 00809000 9 NOT APPLICABLE 00810000 C190 07 8 1 0 4 9 8 PLANTING RICE SEED C189 00811000 C191 07 9 1 0 4 9 8 CHEMICAL INSECT.,FERTILITY C189 00812000 C192 07 10 1 1 4 DEV.WORKERS PROVIDE SERVICE 00813000 1 RESIDENT IN BURAK 00814000 2 REGULARLY IN BURAK 00815000 3 OCCAS. IN BURAK 00816000 4 NONE 00817000 C193 07 11 1 1 5 % FARMERS RECEIVED ADVICE 00818000 1 NONE 00819000 2 LESS THAN 10% 00820000 3 10-29% 00821000 4 30-79% 00822000 5 80% OR MORE 00823000 C194 07 12 1 1 5 PROP. HOUSEHOLDS WITH ELECTR. C193 00824000 C195 07 13 3 2 122 888 NO. HOUSES WITH TILE,TIN ROOF 00825000 0 NONE 00826000 1 1 HOUSEHOLD 00827000 888 NOT STATED 00828000 C196 07 16 3 3 100 888 % HOUSES WITH TILE,TIN ROOF 00829000 0 NONE 00830000 1 1.0-1.9% 00831000 888 NOT STATED 00832000 C197 07 19 2 0 40 88 NEAREST BUSINESS 00833000 * *00834000 0 LOCATED IN THIS BURAK 00835000 1 1.0-1.9 KM 00836000 88 NOT STATED 00837000 C198 07 21 2 0 33 88 % LAB.FORCE IN SUCH BUSI.MALE 00838000 0 NONE 00839000 1 1.0-1.9% 00840000 88 NOT STATED 00841000 C199 07 23 2 0 19 88 % LAB.FORCE IN SUCH BUSIN.FEM C198 00842000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00843000 $PAGE 00844000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00845000 * proportion of labor force in the burak that work away from burak *00846000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00847000 C200 07 25 2 0 20 88 % COMMUTE TO WORK OUTSIDE,MALE 00848000 0 NONE 00849000 1 1.0-1.9% 00850000 88 NOT STATED 00851000 C201 07 27 2 0 19 88 % COMMUTE TO WORK OUTSIDE,FEM C200 00852000 C202 07 29 2 0 37 88 % WORK PERIOD AWAY,MALE C200 00853000 C203 07 31 2 0 16 88 % WORK PERIOD AWAY,FEM C200 00854000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00855000 * family clan and structure *00856000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00857000 FIL1 07 33 6 0 0 NO HH OF MAJOR CLANS 00858000 0 NOT USED 00859000 FIL2 07 39 1 0 0 SHRINES FOR ANCESTOR WORSHIP 00860000 0 NOT USED 00861000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00862000 * religion, churches and temples and membership *00863000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00864000 C204 07 40 2 0 10 88 PROTESTANT 00865000 0 IN THIS BURAK 00866000 1 1.0-1.9 KM 00867000 88 NOT STATED 00868000 C205 07 42 2 0 59 88 % ADULTS BELONG TO PROTEST. 00869000 0 NONE 00870000 1 1.0-1.9% 00871000 88 NOT STATED 00872000 C206 07 44 2 0 40 88 CATHOLIC C204 00873000 C207 07 46 2 0 8 88 % ADULTS BELONG TO CATHO. C205 00874000 C208 07 48 2 0 32 88 BUDDHIST C204 00875000 C209 07 50 2 0 54 88 % ADULTS BELONG TO BUDD. C205 00876000 C210 07 52 2 1 40 88 CHUNDO-GYO C204 00877000 C211 07 54 2 0 6 88 % ADULTS BELONG TO CHUNDO-GYO C205 00878000 C212 07 56 2 0 0 99 88 OTHER UNSPECIFIED C204 00879000 99 NOT APPLICABLE 00880000 C213 07 58 2 0 18 88 % ADULTS BELONG TO OTHER C205 00881000 C214 07 60 1 1 3 8 FREQ. OF MOODANG GOOD RITUALS 00882000 1 VERY OFTEN 00883000 2 ONCE IN A WHILE 00884000 3 VERY RARELY 00885000 8 NOT STATED 00886000 C215 07 61 1 1 2 DOES BURAK HOLD RITUALS 00887000 * < ARE RITUALS HELD TO PRAY FOR THE PROSPERITY OF THE BURAK OR TO *00888000 * WORSHIP SHAMANISTIC GODS > *00889000 1 YES 00890000 2 NO 00891000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00892000 $PAGE 00893000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00894000 * OTHERS *00895000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*00896000 C216 07 62 1 1 5 ACTIVITY OF SAAMAUL MOVEMENT 00897000 1 VERY ACTIVE 00898000 2 RATHER ACTIVE 00899000 3 SO-SO 00900000 4 RATHER INACTIVE 00901000 5 TOTALLY INACTIVE 00902000 C217 07 63 1 1 5 ACTIVITY OF MOTHER'S CLUB C216 00903000 C218 07 64 1 1 5 OPINION OF FAMILY PLAN.PROGR. 00904000 1 VERY MUCH APPROVE 00905000 2 TO SOME EXTENT APPR. 00906000 3 NEITHER APP,NOR DISAPPR 00907000 4 TO SOME EXTENT DISAPPR. 00908000 5 VERY MUCH DISAPPR. 00909000 C219 07 65 1 1 2 8 MAIN ROAD IN VILLAGE PAVED 00910000 1 YES 00911000 2 NO 00912000 8 NOT STATED 00913000 C220 07 66 1 1 6 8 MAIN ROAD IN VILLAGE PAVED 00914000 1 PIPED WATER SUPPLY 00915000 2 PIPED WATER,MAKE SHIFT 00916000 3 PUMPED WELL 00917000 4 COMMUNITY WELL 00918000 5 WELL,PRIVATE 00919000 6 SPRING WATER 00920000 8 NOT STATED 00921000 ************************************************************************00922000 * END OF THE KOREAN COMMUNITY DATA *00923000 ************************************************************************00924000