The following description of this survey appeared in the 1991 edition of Dynamic Database: A Catalogue of Survey Data Files, Voorburg: International Statistical Institute.
Basic Information
Name of survey: Encuesta Nacional de Fecundidad de la República Dominicana (1975)
Executive agency: Consejo Nacional de Población y Familia (CONAPOFA)
Date of fieldwork: 1975
Universe: All women, 15-49
Coverage: National, 100%
Size: 3115
Weights: Self-weighting
Contents: WFS Core Mark 1 + fertility regulation module
Supplementary surveys: Household members (n = 59,493, self-weighting)
Additional Information
Fieldwork for both household and individual surveys was conducted jointly.
1-in-4 women aged 15-49 identified in the household enumeration was selected
for the individual survey. The household schedule includes items on education,
marriage, fertility and mortality.
The major addition to the WFS core questionnaire is a detailed month-by-month
sexual life history for the twelve months preceding the survey (see also
Venezuela). Available on the SR file are the number of months pregnant,
subdivided according to use of effective or ineffective contraceptive methods
(if any) prior to conception; the number of months using specific methods; the
number of months without sexual intercourse and the reason (celibacy, marital
dissolution, temporary absence of spouse, illness, other). From these data,
various measures of contraceptive effectiveness can be derived.
Other information about contraception includes: attitudes towards
sterilization; reasons for stopping method in last closed and open interval;
duration of use of current/last method; source of current method and
availability; reasons for changing to current/last method.
A limited amount of information was collected about MCH care relating to the
last pregnancy/birth. This includes: details of pre-natal care; type of place
of delivery; receipt of post-natal care and type of place; any vaccination
given and type of place.
Release Conditions
Data may be used for academic research, provided that credit is given
in any publication resulting from the research to the agency that
conducted the survey and that two copies of any publication are sent to:
Lic. Ramón Portes Carrasco
Secretario Ejecutivo
Consejo Nacional de Población y Familia
Apartado Postal 1803
Santo Domingo
Republica Dominicana
Public Use Files
Available files include the household members data and dictionary, and the individual standard recode data and dictionary, in the original WFS format. In addition, the individual standard recode data and dictionary dictionary are available in ISSA format.
The table below lists the file names and descriptions.
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