The following description of this survey appeared in the 1991 edition of Dynamic Database: A Catalogue of Survey Data Files, Voorburg: International Statistical Institute.
Basic Information
Name of survey: Encuesta Nacional de Fecundidad de la República Dominicana (1980)
Executive agency: Consejo Nacional de Población y Familia (CONAPOFA)
Date of fieldwork: 1980
Universe: All women, 15-49
Coverage: National, 100%
Size: 5123
Weights: Self-weighting
Contents: WFS Core Mark 1 + fertility regulation module, MCH care, cost-benefits of children
This 1980 fertility survey was not officially part of the WFS programme, though
its instruments followed WFS recommendations. Some technical assistance was
provided by WFS staff and the data files have been edited and archived using
WFS procedures. As with the 1975 survey, fieldwork for household and individual
surveys was integrated.
A sample of 10,558 households were selected using compact clusters; the sample
for the individual survey was obtained by subselecting half the households and
interviewing all resident women aged 15-49.
The household schedule contains items on education, marriage, fertility and
mortality. The individual questionnaire contains: an extensive array of
questions on health care during the current pregnancy or most recent pregnancy
(within the last 12 months); items on vaccination, preventative and curative
health care of the last two children; perceived advantages and disadvantages
of large and small families; desirable education for sons and daughters and the
difficulties of ensuring that; expected sources of old age support; perceived
availability of the pill, IUD, condoms and sterilization.
The household file is in a non-rectangular format. A record for each household
is followed by records for each member.
A re-interview survey of 826 ever-married women was carried out about two
months after the main field work. This survey formed part of a multi-national
Response Errors project, the methodology of which is described in WFS
Scientific Reports no 28.
Release Conditions
Data may be used for academic research, provided that credit is given
in any publication resulting from the research to the agency that
conducted the survey and that two copies of any publication are sent to:
Lic. Ramón Portes Carrasco
Secretario Ejecutivo
Consejo Nacional de Población y Familia
Apartado Postal 1803
Santo Domingo
Republica Dominicana
Public Use Files
Available files include the individual standard recode dictionary data and dictionary in ISSA format.
The table below lists the file names and descriptions.
The information provided on this Web site is not official U.S. Government information and
does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.