WFS Data
The DHS Program USAID

World Fertility Survey

WFS Data

Morocco, 1980 (WFS)

The following description of this survey appeared in the 1991 edition of Dynamic Database: A Catalogue of Survey Data Files, Voorburg: International Statistical Institute.

Basic Information

  • Name of survey: Enquête Nationale sur la Fécondité et la Planification Familiale
  • Executive agency: Ministère de la Santé Publique
  • Date of fieldwork: 1980
  • Universe: All women, 15-50
  • Coverage: National, 99%
  • Size: 5800
  • Weights: Self-weighting
  • Contents: WFS Core Mark 1 + fertility regulation and family planning modules and health data
  • Supplementary surveys: Household members (n = 104,129, self-weighting)

Additional Information

A household survey was conducted on an enlarged sample. Information on life-time and current fertility was collected, as well as mortality data (maternal and paternal orphanhood plus details of deaths in the last 24 months). Uniquely within the WFS programme, health data was collected during the household survey: type of illness suffered by any member in the last 12 months; whether health facility was used; satisfaction with service; travelling time; reason for non-use of health facility. Other household characteristics include: toilet and water facilities; number of rooms; construction of the dwelling; presence of electricity; ownership of consumer durables. A derived set of variables on household composition have been added to the file.

The individual survey was administered to a subsample of women identified in the household survey, in an independent field operation starting a few weeks after completion of the household survey. Interviewers for both surveys were drawn from para-medical staff of the Ministry of Public Health.

Unusually detailed information on the health care of the last and penultimate child was collected in the individual survey: place of and medical assistance at birth; number and dates of each vaccination against measles, tuberculosis, DPT, polio; mother's knowledge of these diseases and of the immunization schedule; place of vaccination and mother's satisfaction with service provided.

Release Conditions

Data may be used for academic research, provided that credit is given in any publication resulting from the research to the agency that conducted the survey and that two copies of any publication are sent to:

  Dr. A. Alaoui
Direction de la Statistique
Ministère de la Santé Publique

Public Use Files

Available files include the individual standard recode data and dictionary, and the supplemental survey data and dictionary, in the original WFS format. In addition, the individual standard recode dictionary dictionary data are available in ISSA format. The table below lists the file names and descriptions.

File Description File Type Conditions of release for the original WFS format data Ascii text file
masr01.dat Individual standard recode data. Original WFS format Ascii text file
masr01.dct Codebook for individual standard recode data. Original WFS format Ascii text file
mass01.dat Supplimental survey data. Original WFS format Ascii text file
mass01.dct Codebook for supplemental survey data. Original WFS format Ascii text file Conditions of release for the ISSA format data Ascii text file
masr01h.dat Individual standard recode data. ISSA format Ascii text file
masr01h.dic Standard ISSA dictionary for ISSA format data (ISSA program is required to use this file) Binary file (requires ISSA program to use this file) Codebook file for the standard recode data. ISSA format Ascii text file

Key Reference

1. Ministère de la Santé Publique, @Enquête sur la Fécondité et de la Planification Familiale au Maroc 1979-80: Rapport National@, Rabat, 1984.

The DHS Program

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